Strategic Plan 2022-2026
Francis 2026: Thy Will Be Done
Saint Francis University is excited to launch its new strategic plan, Francis 2026: Thy Will Be Done. As we embark on this new path during our 175th anniversary year, the University looks ahead, guided into the future by God’s providence. We seek to do God’s will, for the benefit of our students and the Kingdom of God. We build on a foundation of 175 blessed years.
Francis 2026 is inextricably linked to our mission and vision. Saint Francis University is a Catholic and Franciscan university that provides high-caliber education and innovative learning experiences, so students become that someone that God calls them to be. Francis 2026 will keep us focused on seeking the Lord’s will and working for the good of our students.
A Bold Vision
At the heart of Francis 2026 are our Franciscan values. Our Catholic and Franciscan morals and values set us apart from other campuses, and, at times, even from society. We promote virtuous campus living. We seek to upbuild the morals and values of our students. At Saint Francis University, one has the opportunity to deepen faith and encounter Christ. We graduate healthcare professionals who are pro-life, business people with strong ethics and morals, scientists who see God as the Creator, and artists who use their talents to reveal the beauty of God.
Very Rev. Malachi Van Tassell, T.O.R., Ph.D.

"For there to be a moral renaissance, we need to pass on faith and values in full vigor."
The Honorable William P. Barr,
Former U.S. Attorney General, Robert & Thelma Gleason
Lecture Series on American Politics & Government Speaker
Saint Francis University 2022
Our Mission
As the oldest Franciscan institution of higher learning in the United States, Saint Francis University draws inspiration from our Catholic tradition and expresses the lived example of Saint Francis of Assisi in the modern world. Saint Francis University promotes an inclusive learning community and a lifelong path to virtue, truth, and compassion. Within a culture that seeks understanding through innovation and collaboration, we champion both the inherent dignity of the individual person and the common good.
Our Vision
Saint Francis University is a Catholic and Franciscan university that provides high quality education and innovative learning experiences so students become that someone that God calls them to be.

Sanctify yourself and you will sanctify society.
– St. Francis of Assisi
Catholic and Franciscan Identity is Our Foundation
What we aim to achieve:
In all we do, we will compel new and existing community members to deepen, explore, and transform their faith alongside one another and serve as models for student-centric engagement.

Our plan to accomplish...
- We will honor and promote the religious history of our community and fervently work to extend the mission and vision of Francis of Assisi through all who serve our campus community.
- In all we do, we strive to be a welcoming and caring community. We embrace a culture of responsiveness, care, and transparency. Our environment creates positive and transformational student experiences impacting body, mind, and spirit.

Consider, O human being, in what great excellence the Lord God has placed you, for He created and framed you to the image of His beloved Son according to the body and His likeness according to the Spirit.
– The Admonitions, #5
Francis the Educator
What we aim to achieve:
The University will continuously seek new student-centered transformational initiatives that result in knowledgeable, principled, and visionary graduates.

Our plan to accomplish...
- Saint Francis University will be recognized as a forward-thinking institution that provides students with exceptional high-impact opportunities designed to prepare graduates for ethical leadership and influential contribution to a global society.
- The University will drive toward advanced systems and strategies that support new and existing growth across all student populations.

In Saint Francis and through him an unexpected joy and a holy newness came into the world.
-The Life of St. Francis by Thomas of Celano, #89
Francis the Innovator
What we aim to achieve:
Through a market-driven lens, the University will develop academic and co-curricular programs and support meaningful, innovative partnerships.

Our plan to accomplish...
- Investigate additional opportunities, primarily through alumni, business partners, and faculty, for meaningful learning opportunities that support mission amplification, strategic enrollment growth, or new market/business segments.
- Equip all graduates, across all student populations, with career-demand experiences and evidence that will amplify their learning outcomes and enhance marketability.

For it is in giving that we receive.
– Peace Prayer of Saint Francis
Francis the Good Steward
What we aim to achieve:
Increase revenue, reduce costs, and grow the endowment, capital, and annual funds as a means of improving financial accountability and vitality.

Our plan to accomplish...
- Grow the University's Endowment by an additional $20,000,000 (for a total endowment that exceeds $100,000,000), enabling increased unrestricted scholarships in a competitive landscape.
- Achieve financial sustainability, defined as $1,000,000 annual surpluses and a 50% or greater contribution margin for each school, as measured by our financial review model (FRM).

"Francis go and rebuild my Church, which you can see has fallen into disrepair."
-The Lord’s words to Saint Francis,
before the San Damiano crucifix.
Francis the Builder
What we aim to achieve:
Support quality living and learning environments that increase student demand and satisfaction.

Our plan to accomplish...
- Develop an ambitious building and renovation plan driven by research, and thoughtfully designed to enhance realized enrollment and increase revenue.
- Invest in a unified technology platform that continuously supports relevant technological practices and compels sophisticated data-driven decisions.