Cooperative Center for Study Abroad
Cooperative Center for Study Abroad
The Cooperative Center for Study Abroad is a consortium of 24 schools throughout the nation with study abroad programs and internships in English-speaking countries. CCSA offers interesting classes in a variety of disciplines so that students can choose courses specific to their academic needs. Courses are taught by professors of universities that are members of CCSA, so students can choose to participate in a program with a Saint Francis University professor or take a class with a professor from another university.
Financial Aid
Students may apply for any student loans for which they would normally have eligibility. It is imperative that students applying for financial aid apply by specific deadline dates to facilitate the financial aid process. The financial aid office will assist students needing information about financial aid.
Students can also contact The Office of International Education for Scholarship information.

Contact Us
Ms. Leona Horner, Director
Office of International Education
Phone: 814-472-3245
Email: lhorner@francis.edu
Location: Scotus Hall 306